Category Archives: AirCreateReservationReq

1G AirCreateReservation INF NameRemarks

PNR 생성시 CNN, INF 필수사항 입니다. CNN 적용예제 DOB=”2020-05-02″를 넣지 않는 경우  INF 적용예제 <com:RemarkData>01JAN19</com:RemarkData>

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AirCreateReservtion 메리드 구간 예약

월드스팬은  CRS 여정 조회시 married 연결 세그라는 결과 값으로 J01 를 준다.

You cannot really identify married segment logic except by individual inspection of the availability of the flight on its own and in combination with other flights. The exact inner logic of each airline’s married segment logic will be a trade secret based… Read More »